Actor Training from the Source
Our semester long program is designed to suit the essential needs of the physical theatre artist. Motivated students wishing to gain a technical edge in their performance and creativity will find this program to be the best fit.
We believe that coming into direct contact with traditional artistic sources – which began and developed in Europe – is the most powerful way to effect a change in one’s artistic journey. We provide intense training in physical disciplines such as Clown and Commedia dell’Arte (Italian masked theatre), which ultimately serve to raise the student’s level of technical mastery and push the expressivity of the body and voice to their limits.
Our approach is not limited to a simple technical mastery, though. In combination with the rigor of physical training, the student must activate their own creative source, allowing them to innovate and experiment as co-inventors within European traditions.
Theatre, performance, and the contemporary world thus become an important interdisciplinary field where students can develop themselves, always looking for original extensions of aesthetic possibilities.
A fundamental element of our Semester in Physical Theatre is the environment in which training and creation take place. Immersed in the suggestive landscape surrounding Villa Godiola, students live in a communal setting, breaking bread with each other, their teachers, and the staff. The intimacy and sense of community that this approach creates are fundamental for the success of artistic exploration. Mutual encouragement helps students persevere through the program’s intensive, physical rigor and forms the basis of a much-needed human element that allows us to transform mistakes into art.
This Program is designed for students pursuing a BA or BFA