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Program Overview

Since 2004 the Accademia dell’Arte, in partnership with Furman University, has offered a fully accredited, intensive, conservatory-style music program, “Music in Italy.”

In addition to the Italian language component offered at the Accademia, students study applied music (voice, instrumental, or keyboard) in individual weekly lessons and coaching sessions with Italian music teachers.  Furman faculty members teach a music history course (17th through 19th century Western Music) and an interdisciplinary, experiential course, “Italian Art and Culture.” A highlight of that course is a series of excursions and lectures revealing the richness of Tuscany’s stunning array of visual art and architecture.  Students also collaborate in several “Movement for Musicians” sessions taught by Accademia dell’Arte faculty, which allow them to spend class time together with the Accademia’s theatre students.

Students also take part in performances of chamber music and solo recitals both at the Accademia and in local venues.  Regular concert attendance in Florence, overnight excursions, along with independent travel opportunities during a week-long fall break, provide students with ample opportunity to experience the cultural life of Western Europe.

Application procedure requires submission of supplemental materials by April 1.

For further information on the music program student application process, contact 

Courses (3 credits each for non-Furman students):

  • Music History
  • Applied Music Lessons
  • Italian Art and Culture
  • Italian Language I or II

For more specific information please go to: Furman University



Fall 2023: August 31 – December 2

Regular Dates Application Deadline: April 30

Early Bird Discount Completed Application Deadline: February 1

Fall Break: October 7 – 15


15 Total credits

APPLY NOW for this program

PLEASE NOTE: The dates above include arrival and departure. The Accademia dell’Arte does not accommodate students before or after these dates.

This program is provided in partnership with Furman University.

The Accademia dell’Arte undergraduate program is fully accredited by Hendrix College.



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