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Registration – Summer Physical Theatre Intensive



Please choose the classes (one per section) you wish to enroll in:

▢ Commedia dell’Arte (class has reached capacity)
The Radiant Voice

Clown - Comic Body and IdentityExplore the You You Don't know: a Dynamic Intensive in Storytelling Techniques

FIFTH WEEK (optional)

Important, please check that you have read and understand the following information:

Students enrolled in the Summer Intensives (4 weeks) are expected to check in from 2:00pm to 6:00pm on June 30, and check out by 10:00am on July 26. Students enrolled in the Summer Intensives (5 weeks) are expected to check in from 2:00pm to 6:00pm on June 30, and check out by 10:00am on August 2.

For our Summer Physical Theatre Intensive Program we can only accept 18 participants per course. Your participation will be confirmed only when the non-refundable deposit is paid.

For more information please contact

Having read this notice provided by the Data Controller pursuant to Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03 and having taken due to the rights set forth by Article 7 of the same decree I give my consent for the use of my personal data (including sensitive data) for the purposes outlined in this notice if the use does not come under one of the possible cases for exemption as for Article 24 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/03.
I give my consent for my personal data (including sensitive data) to be transferred overseas pursuant to the terms, conditions and limits specified at Section 43 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 as well as under the provisions of article 49 (1) (a) of the EU GDPR, and more specifically to the United States of America, even if this country were not considered a safe harbor by the EU or Italian competent authorities.
I give my consent for the use of my personal data (including sensitive data) for the purposes outlined in this notice.
I also hereby waive any right to privacy or confidentiality regarding ACCADEMIA DELL’ARTE’s reporting to the appropriate authorities at my home school if I am seriously ill; suffer an injury; am the victim or perpetrator of harassment, whether on or off campus; am the victim or the perpetrator of sexual or gender-based misconduct and/or of criminal behavior, whether on or off campus, and I grant ACCADEMIA DELL’ARTE staff, faculty and administrators full authority to report to the appropriate authorities at my home school any and such all incidents, under the applicable laws (including but not limited to Title IX and Clery Act), whether or not it involves disciplinary action.

Thank you for submitting your form.
A representative from the school may be in touch to verify your signature, or with additional questions.
Questions? Please contact us at, we’ll be happy to help.
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