Instructor: Helena Fernandino
In this workshop, we will take time to investigate boundaries from a unique perspective: our body. Borders that we establish in the encounter with ourselves, with each other, with the physical and social environment. To what extent are these micro borders influenced by territorial, cultural, social macro borders? To what extent are these micro borders causing macro borders? The body, understood as a pair body-mind: micro, but perhaps the most relevant aspect to understand boundaries in a macro sense.
Reflecting on the subject matters of body borders, identity and communication, we will be analyzing boarders between the private, the public and the social space. How questioning the one own limits can open a reflection about borders in meeting the other.
The workshop will be divided into technical classes and choreographic composition. Starting especially from explorations of movement based on Body Mind CenteringTM, we will revisit technical exercises, seeking an organic and conscious execution of the movement. To the movement inputs will be added for artistic creation and composition. Both movement and composition, aiming to offer a safe place for each one’s unique artistic expression.