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Financing your Study Abroad

As a non-profit organization, the Accademia dell’Arte strives to provide students with the most affordable, quality programs possible.

Planning ahead is a key element to study abroad. Students should start thinking about finances as early as possible. It is important for students to have enough resources to take full advantage of studying and living in a foreign country.



The Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1992 mandated that a student can receive financial aid for the costs of studying abroad if the student is enrolled in a program approved by their home institution.

Every campus is different, so the appropriate timeline may vary somewhat by campus and term (especially between academic year and summer). It is important for students to plan early. Students should get in touch with their campus financial aid officer and study abroad adviser to learn more about specific funding options available at, and required procedures for, their college or university. It is the students’ responsibility to follow all instructions from their financial aid advisor and complete all paperwork well before their departure.


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